Core Modules

Your network is complex and interconnected. Your assets can burst, break, fail, break or just stop working. You need to be on the front foot when they do.

  • Event Detection

    Detect when an asset has stopped working as it should. We let you know when pumps fail, mains burst, and reservoirs empty.

  • Event Localisation

    Knowing when an asset has failed is half the problem; you need to know which asset has failed and where exactly in the network it is.

  • Event Alerting

    Better still is to know of problems before they occur. Our sophisticated alerting system will help you spot issues before they become a problem.

  • Impact Assessment

    Once an event is in play you need to know what customers are impacted and to what extent so that you can respond quickly and effectively.

Why You Should Use It

EXPLORE-AI’s Incident Management

  • Reduce Supply Interruptions

    Managing incidents well is critical to limit customer impact. Having the right information at the right time will reduce both the number of events you experience and the time taken to deal with an event.

  • Reduce Operational Expenditure

    Reducing the quantity and gravity of events by reducing your operating expenditure considerably.

  • Improve Customer Experience

    Less supply interruptions. Faster response to issues. Better handling of events when they happen. All this leads to higher Customer NPS.

Have A Look at How It Works

EXPLORE-AI’s Incident Management system alerts, detects and localises events so that operators can act quickly and effectively.

Operate Your Network With Intelligence

Minimise events on your network

Imagine if you could see risks emerging in your network so that you could prevent events from occurring. Imagine if you could detect an event as it happened and know the exact asset that was causing the network issues. EXPLORE-AI’s Incident Management system is a data-driven tool that allows your operators to see events occur on the network as they happen. With real-time intelligence operators are able to effectively respond so that customer impact is limited.

  • Detect events in your network
  • Localise exactly which asset is failing
  • Access a sophisticated alerting system
  • See the impact of events so you know where to focus your response efforts

Key Users of Product

EXPLORE-AI’s Incident Management system helps Operators, Senior Operators and Executives see events in real-time so that they can respond quickly and effectively

  • System Operators

    Operators who run the network on a daily basis and need a granular view of events as they happen

  • Senior System Operators

    Senior Operators who manage large parts of the Network and need a cohesive overview of all events and potential risks emerging

  • Executives

    Executives need to keep their finger on the pulse and demand instant access to see events across the whole network

Product Features

The product uses the latest advances in cloud, Data Science and AI to deliver a first-of-its-kind view of how the whole Network is running

  • Cloud-native and agnostic

    Safe, secure, and agnostic approach to cloud and data architectures. Flexibility to scale according to your needs.

  • Real-Time Network

    Real-time streaming of your water data so that you are up to date on your entire network.

  • API-ready

    Our open-API approach allows you to integrate quickly with a wide range of internal or external operational systems to help you drive your efficiency and innovation.