Our Solutions

We provide a full range of bespoke solutions targeted to water and wastewater utilities to help them become digital utilities of the future, walking with them every step of the way.

  • Supply Demand Modelling

    Enable near real-time modelling and visualisations of the movements in your hydraulic systems to predict if, when, and where your customers may experience problems.

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  • Risk

    See where in your network the risks are, how significant they are, and what to do to fix them.

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  • Predictive Maintenance

    Understand assets' maintenance schedules, how to optimise asset spend and ultimately improve customer satisfaction.

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  • Field Force Optimisation

    Empower leakage analysts, technicians, and executives with the intelligence to understand the performance of the field force and how to improve its efficiency.

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  • Digital Water

    Produce a MLE calculation on the water balance of the entire Network on a semi-automated and recurring fashion.

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  • DMA

    Understand each DMA response to weather and operations and identifies the most effective interventions to manage leakage and prevent supply interruptions.

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  • Pressure Management

    Control the analytics of a DMA related to leakages and pressure.

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  • Energy

    Understand operational expenditures related to energy and pumping stations, both for water and waste.

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  • Sewage Network Operations

    Analyse sewage assets and better operate their waste water network in order to make it more resilient to poor outcomes.

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  • Capital

    Manage Capital Expenditures and long term planning of the entire hierarchy of assets of the network.

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  • Asset

    Understand the resilience of their network and then recommend various investment and operating strategies.

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  • Customer Optimisation

    Enable a 360-degree overview of your customer’s behaviour, sentiment and profitability so you’re better equipped to deliver great service to them.

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How We Build Solutions

  • Agile

    We work with agile methodologies, iterating to generate value on fast-paced EXPLORE-AI/customer squads.

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  • Business Oriented

    We never lose sight of business objectives, aligned with Senior Management as well as Operations.

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  • Value and Data-driven

    We are data engineers and data scientists, with a deep knowledge on how to structure, model, and build predictive algorithms to solve real-life problems.

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Our Methodology

Functional Teams

We deploy solution squads with cross-functional capabilities: business analysts, consultants experts in story-mapping and agile methodologies, data engineers, data scientists, UI/UX designers, and software developers. We work as a cohesive team towards a functional and agile solution.

Data Driven and
Science Driven

We understand how to structure and process large data structures. And then we model a broad variety of algorithms to use that data to generate value to the business. Be it for real-time activities, operational planning or long-term asset management, we have you covered.


We value intuitive and beautiful design. We put a lot of effort on building solutions that are both functional, value-driven and delightful to use. We work with many data visualisation tools connected with a variety of front-end frameworks. We deployed many mobile-first solutions for people on the group, where usability and speed are crucial factors.