DMA Fingerprinting

EXPLORE-AI's DMA Fingerprinting solutions help Asset Optimisation and Planners to understand each DMA response to weather and operations and identifies the most effective interventions to manage leakage and prevent supply interruptions.

Understanding leakages within a DMA provides a broad range of opportunities for operational improvement and overall customer satisfaction. Planners will be able to quickly see types of DMA within a Network, in order to uncover patterns and apply consistent actions accross similar DMAs.

EXPLORE has worked with large utility networks to build web-based applications for DMA Fingerprinting. We are able to:

  • Improve leakage detection
  • Prioritise activities and allocate workforce more efficiently
  • Reconfigure DMA boundaries
  • Manage pressure of the network better
  • Brings together consistent asset, historic, performance, environmental, and cost data at a DMA level
  • Outline and deploy installs of pumps, valves, and Smart Meters
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